
We appreciate your interest in Hidden Empire Galaxy Adventures. To create your account, please fill out the following fields completely. The account must then be activated via an activation link, which will be sent to you by your entered email address.

Choose your galaxy

Select the galaxy you want to play in.


The selected galaxy is locked. Please try again later.

Choose faction

Here you choose your faction. Depending on your playstyle, one faction may be better suited than another. A change of faction during the game is only possible by an account reset.

Your Account

Enter your account credentials. There will be sent an email for account activation.

Please note: Email addresses from Microsoft (live, outlook) are currently blocked by our mail server. Please use another email address!

An activation link will be sent to this email.
For password recovery purposes.
Give your home planet a name:
The name of the home planet can also be changed later.

Final step